www.gdeadmissions.gov.za registration online For 2024 schools login


To access www.gdeadmissions.gov.za registration online for 2024 schools Login kindly follow the steps mentioned in the description below:

  • Go to: http://www.gdeadmissions.gov.za/
  • Log on to www.gdeadmissions.gov.za and click on create a username and password and then Register your details. The System will guide you through each one of the 5 steps to make an application. Please keep the username and password for future use.

The Gauteng Department of Education is mandated to provide compulsory basic education to all learners in the province progressively, and they are committed to providing functional and modern schools that enable quality teaching and learning, that protect and promote the right of every learner to quality, equitable and relevant education.

Important documents to submit During gde online application 2024

Parents and guardians must upload or submit certified copies of the following documents within 7 days of applying:

  • Parent and child ID or passport
  • Refugee Permit
  • Asylum Seeker Permit
  • Permanent Residence Permit
  • Study Permit
  • South African birth certificate
  • Proof of home address
  • Proof of work address
  • Latest school report and clinic card/immunisation report (Grade 1 only)

To eliminate the risk of overlooking an applicant with uploaded documents by a school, during and up to 7 days after the end of the application period, schools will receive an auto alert each time new documents are uploaded. The system will highlight all uploaded documents for verification.

“In order to hold schools accountable for verification of all received documents, the system will prompt schools to answer the question of whether an applicant submitted documents or not.

“If verified, the system will prompt the school to verify and update the document status. If not verified, the system will create an alert on the parent’s profile and an SMS will be sent to the parent to submit or upload documents,” the department had said previously.

As part of the system enhancement process, applicants will be afforded the opportunity to make informed choices regarding languages offered when applying to a school.

Language of learning and teaching, home languages, and additional languages offered by each school will be visible on the system to applicants during the application period.

“All applicants will be granted an opportunity to apply to a school of their choice, according to the selected application option. This is an improvement as previous complaints we received stated that schools were not available for certain application options and, as such, all schools will remain open for applications for all during the application period,” the GDE said.

For all applicants to submit completed applications, electronic messages will be sent via SMS reminding parents and guardians to complete their application, and the same notifications will be created on the parent’s profile on the system.

GDE Admission Regulations

The department said the placement of applicants with documents uploaded/delivered within the regulated period will be prioritised.

It must be noted that placement will be conducted as per the following admission regulations:

· Home address within the feeder zone
· Siblings
· Work address
· Within 30 km Radius
· Beyond 30km Radius

Decentralised walk-in centres

To ensure access for applicants who are unable to apply from the comfort of their homes and or offices, the department has identified decentralised walk-in centres in different areas where applicants will be safely assisted.

The department said that some district offices and the head office will serve as walk-in centres.

This information will be made available to the public via schools, districts, the GDE website and social media platforms.

“Parents and guardians who experience challenges during the application period are encouraged to visit our district offices and decentralised walk-in centres or call the GDE’s contact centre 0800 000 789.”

Get more details about the Gauteng Department of Education online application at: https://www.gdeadmissions.gov.za/

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